BlackSoil India Credit Fund
Values as on September 30, 2023
DPI: Distributions to paid-in capital, RVPI: Residual Value to paid-in capital, TVPI: Total Value to paid-in capital Schemes that have completed at least one year since their first close as on September 30, 2023, have been considered for the benchmark Returns and ratios refer to post-expense, pre-carry, pre-tax values Only those vintage years have been considered that have at least 3 schemes available. FY denotes financial year; for example, FY14 refers to period between April 2013 and March 2014 Category II includes funds under sub-categories – Equity Funds – Unlisted, Equity Funds – Listed + Unlisted, Real Estate Funds, Debt Funds, Distressed Asset Funds and any other strategies registered under Category II of SEBI (AIF) Regulations, 2012.